Moving away from home


1. It is independent

2. It is freedom to find their inclination

3. Allow them to experience adult life


                Moving away from home is good for youngsters.  It can help them to become mature.  First, it is independent.  They will not be able to rely on their family.  They will need to take care of themselves, such as during all of the housework.  In addition, it is freedom to find their inclination.  They may feel stress from their family, in particular their parents.  Moving away from home can mean escaping these from of stress.  Therefore, they will fully explore what life has to offer them.  Third, moving away from home can allow them to experience adult life.  By living on their own without their parents’ support, youngsters will understand adult life means having to work hard to earn money and support a family.  For these reasons, moving away from home can help youngsters to be mature.


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